Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sushi Not Shu Shi

Hello again.... Melissa here. George is getting his daily IV and can't type with it. We just came back from an interesting dinner out. We went to a sushi bar and it was awesome. It had a big conveyor belt that the food goes around on and you grab what you want. It was delicious. A really neat experience. George was walking today without anything to hold onto. Just completely on his own. He had an eye test this morning and spent the afternoon in therapy. He had two occupational therapists laughing up a storm. He wears the collar for his speech and it gives little shocks on his throat. He keeps telling them to turn it up and they cannot believe it! They laugh because I guess he likes it kind of strong! We had a few hours of shopping/exploring again this afternoon and we ran into a couple of police dogs- there is a picture above... reminded us of our dog Simon. Next injection is Friday... can't wait! Oh by the way.... Shu Shi means rest, and they say it in therapy... not to be confused with sushi... which we had for dinner. Bye!


Gaye said...

Hi there you two!

Wow...your news gets more exciting each day! I'm sure you're both thrilled with George's progress.

All that work and you still find time to do the 'touristy' things. (Don't even tell us that you've learned to speak Chinese already!!)

Keep the reports coming...everyone loves to hear from you!

Lots of good wishes...


Jesse and Helene said...

Hey George,
I am so proud of you and the progress that your making. I can't express how much mom worries about you and how many prayers are being said daily by mom's prayer group.
We are all with you.
Your Bro