Sunday, January 14, 2007

Day...Ive lost track. I know its Sunday

It was a beautiful day in China today. We went to sea world, I wore a sweater and shorts. I bought a small souvenir and some lunch. maybe spent $17.00 things are sooo inexpensive here. Sundays are our only day off so we used it well. We took some pictures until our camera batteries died (Thanks for the battery hogging camera Jen.) LOL
This is a picture smack dab in the middle of the action. All that interlocking stone its a Landscaper's dream!! Actually downtown Shenzhen is currently undergoing extensive boardwalk reconstruction utilizing lock stone pavers. I sat and watched them work on my lunch last week... was that ever an eye opener what 6 guys can do with no machinery at all. I'm sure your all wondering what the heck I'm doing at the operating end of a grand Piano- I was playing it rather well before they escorted me off the boat. This was on a cruise ship docked in sea world that has been turned into a hotel. Once we got back to the hospital the smog was so thick you could cut it with a knife. No major changes except the leg pain is gone. I did a fair bit of walking today and it felt pretty good. Back to therapy tomorrow, and next stem cells are Wednesday- this one will be an IV.

ps- must thank Kim Poor for getting bars put in all the showers- they've come in handy a few times for me.


The Baders said...

Hey - You'd better be nice to me - especially after what I just cleaned up. Man oh man! LOL!!!

All kidding aside - we are glad to hear you are doing well! It sounds like they've got you working pretty hard. Jeff and I check the blog every day - we enjoy seeing the pictures and hearing the stories about your adventures.

I also hear you got the package I sent you and the magazine was greatly appreciated. Just think, every time you look at it you can think of me! Eewww!

Keep up the hard work, and we'll see you soon!

Love Jen, Jeff, James & Emma-Jayne

Kim Poor's stem cell treatment said...

I just complained in my blog about the lack of bars in the showers, and nothing else was said. The Beike staff reads the blogs, and responds! It's easier than hand gestures.

Any improvement with the eyes? I think a sixth injection is a wise idea. IV?

Fish-flavored candy. Yum! What's the point?

I heard the Splendid China/Windows on the World stop was a patient favorite, but we never made it.

You're making us "homesick!" I really miss the fried noodles Singapore in the coffee shop below.

What room are you in? When do you leave?

Kim & Sally Poor

paul arruda said...

Hey George it's your cousin Paul (wingman). It's good to hear that the therapy is working for you and that you are feeling good. The pictures are great and you look good.

Have you had a chance to try Japanese style peaking duck? If so make sure you get the recepie because you're gonna cook the firs duck in 2007 (lol).

Miss you and see you when you get back.