Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Dodging the Dog

Just finished by morning session of SHOCK therapy AKA Electro-stimulation. Honestly its not that bad for me and it looks way worse than it feels.>>>Fast Forward Its 9:30pm now and I am just finishing the last of my first IV Stem Cell injection. Man they injected me quite full of fluid the way i figured it, and Kim could confirm it, they put about 1 liter(about a quart) of fluid into my arm. According to Kim and several other patients, I am waiting for this sudden burst of energy. My head has been pounding for over 5 days now and its driving me nuts.
Today was a somber day the Deering Gang, Shannon and Erica, their nurses Faye and Lori, and Tony their dad have all gone home and will be missed. Also, our friends Chris and Van from Vancouver left as well.
In case anyone is curious, the picture of all of the meat in the last blog the 3rd or 4th carcass from the left is Go Roe AKA Dog meat!!

The above is a picture of me posing for the camera shortly after my first IV, dont laugh at my underware I dont feel different. Do I look different?

1 comment:

Eric Arruda said...

Hey Georege and Melissa,

Its your cousin Eric, with my wife Maria and my mom Carmen as well. We just read your entire blog and we are so happy to hear how well things are going for you. We will defintely keep track on your progress and look forward to hearing about your upcoming adventures.

By the way, winter did hit us hard, so your sources were right on!

Keep on surprising them!
