Saturday, January 6, 2007

Day 7

I am going on seven days without shaving. I am going to attempt to grow a full beard while i am here. It is driving me crazy it is soo itchy, but it is just the distraction I need. I have started my daily IV of saline and"Chinese Medicine" as it is affectionatley refered to here by most or more accurateley Nerve Growth factor. The internet here is getting faster today the repairmen must be working hard in Taiwan fixing the problem. Melissa and I enjoyed our day off (Sunday is our day free from PT) checking out shops and enjoying the beautiful tee shirt weather. FIRST SIGN OF IMPROVEMENT I AM GETTING MUSCLE ACHES IN MY LEGS THAT I HAVENT FELT IN OVER TEN YEARS.On to a more serious note there are these propane powered bikes that i tried to capture on film but came out as smears (i swear these things do mach) travel very fast. These bikes are very funny looking, they have at least two BBQ propane tanks attached to the back end kind of like saddlebags. We found our first dvd vendor and got some pirated movies. The quality on the one we have watched was not bad. Hopefully the others will be ok too. But for less than $1 each we are not that concerned with quality. All in all it was a good day.... back to the grind for me tomorrow.


celiaarruda said...

hey guys,
i just finished reading mom some of your comments, she is coming over later today to see the blog for herself.
george you sound like you are in great spirits...carry on my boy! but be careful about calling it torture; because even though i know how sarcastic you are it still bothers me to hear that word or anything like it being associated with the treatment. (maybe i am just being sensitive because i am pregnant) anyway....
i cannot wait until you are both safely home but otherwise i am happy to hear that you are taking this in as another life experience with loads to see and learn.
infinite love,
sal and mark

George & Jane Robb said...

Hi Melissa and George,
Been following you all along and want to thanks for the great updates. Really really really hoping for the very best. And are also glad you are getting out to experience the culture.
By the way, we have had t-shirt weather here too..George ran in shorts and t-shirts all last week...until today. The bubble has burst in Southern Ontario.
Continue doing well, George. Think about you both all the time.

xxoo George and Jane

Rob said...

Hey Georgie,

Finally got a chance to visit. Hope you guys are doing well. Grace and Maia say hi!


kish's said...

Dear George and Melissa:
We are glad that you are making the best of your visit to China and that you are safe and feeling some effects of the treatment. Uncle Jim has been printing the daily logs for Grammie, who loves to hear about your experiences. We are thinking about you daily and are glad to "hear" from you and actually see pictures. Take care love Jim Robyn Sarah Mackenzie xoxo

Cousins Liz, Ralph & Emily xoxox said...

Hey you two,

We've been reading your posts & look forward to "accompanying" you on your journey.

George - you look mighty handsome in your beard !!

We're sending lots of positive energy your way..... Liz, Ralph & Emily

Unknown said...

reading daily and praying that all goes well with continued improvement.

mjd family ---Jane