Saturday, January 13, 2007

Keeping busy in Shenzhen

Hello... sorry for the delay but the last couple of days have been very, very busy. Yesterday we went on our lunch for a foot massage. There were about 8 of us from the 14th floor that went and we all sat together and I got a foot and leg massage by this really hot chick. It was a lot of fun, and quite the experience. A couple of the girls from here took us!

After we got home it was time for stem cells injection #2- it went smoothly, I was not as groggy when I came out of it, so Mel set me up so I could see a movie and I was able to just lie still and watch a movie. I was able to eat after 4 hours and then it was bedtime so I managed to stay fairly still for the rest of the night and I avoided the dreaded headache. This morning I was feeling well enough to go to therapy. I had an afternoon off and spent it at a military museum. I felt very alone amongst all the soviet fire power. There was no weaponry from the US or Canada there.

Melissa here now- I spent the day at a shopping place called "the train station". it was quite the experience! They had 5 floors of tonnes of stores everyone shouting at you to come in and look at their store. Offering handbags, dvd's, mp3's.... it was crazy. But definitely a great experience. They would ask what you are looking for and then climb a ladder and go up into the roof to find it. It was definitely neat to see, did some good shopping... but I don't need to go back.

Tonight we celebrated a birthday- it was Rusty's birthday (from the US) and his wife Julie planned a little surprise. It was lots of fun. We enjoyed the cake... even though desserts are not sweet in China. They are very different. George likes the desserts- big surprise there.

Tomorrow is our day off... think we will do some more shopping and site seeing. Then back to the therapy on Monday. Next stem cells are Wednesday- getting them by IV. Should be interesting to see how George feels after that.


Kim Poor's stem cell treatment said...

You guys quit having so much fun! This isn't a vacation. You're in a hospital, for Pete's sake.

Seriously, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself and getting out. Lo Wu is really something, isn't it? ("missy, missy...")

Where is this military museum? Canada has weaponry?

Have you tried the corn-flavored candy yet? Ask the nurses for some. Yuk!

I'm glad you're doing well, George. How many injections are you getting? I think the younger you are, the better.

The stem cell bill passed the house. But Bush will veto it again. Sigh...
Kim Poor

Natalie Carvalho said...

Wow guys...we are all very excited for you. We are all rooting for you George. I will update the rest of the family, especially my mom. Our prayers are with you both. Take care...

george said...

Hi Kim

We planned on getting 5 injections but have decided to add a 6th since we are here and I seem to be responding well to it.

The military museum is right on the Hong Kong border.

We have not tried any corn flavoured candy but did unfortunately try some that tasty rather fishy, literally.

By the way- Irene says hello! So does Camilla.

Take care,